Friday, April 15, 2011

Done presentation psm1

There is some comment from the panels :

En.Syed Othmawi Abd Rahman : " come and see me later.."

En.Mohammad Hafiz Mohamed :
seperate the justification of hardware and software. Make a specification of server.
2. Make a relationship between database.
3. Make the border for the interface in your report.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Presentation PSM1

Date : 15 / 4/ 2011
Time : 10.00am - 10.30am
Venue : Room2

Panel :
1. En.Syed Othmawi Abd Rahman
Mohammad Hafiz Mohamed

3 fasa metodologi

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Feedback question on research :

1. Do you like to play game as an authentication method?

o Yes

o No

2. Do you think that playing game is suitable for authentication?

o Yes

o No

3. Is this game easy to play?

o Very easy

o Fairly easy

o Easy

o Fairly difficult

4. Is the size of the image appropriate for the purpose of authentication?

o Very easy

o Easy

o Fairly difficult

5. In your opinion, what type of game is suitable use as authentication?

o Game based on picture

o Game based on action

o Game based on word

6. From your point view, is Authentication using game a good anti shoulder surfing scheme?

o Very good

o Good

o Poor

7. In your opinion, what is the drawback of this scheme?


8. Your comment on “Authentication Using Game”


Tips on safeguarding your password

  • NEVER give your password to anyone.
  • Make your password something you can remember.
  • Make your password difficult for others to guess.
  • DO NOT Change your password because of mail from someone claiming to be your systems administrator, supposedly needing access to your files!!